Jumat, 06 November 2009

conditional sentences

Conditional sentence
In grammar,conditional sentences are sentences discussing factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Languages use a variety of conditional constructions and verb forms (such as the conditional mood) to form these kinds of sentences.
conditional sentence is a compound sentence that indicates that an event will occur or a job will be done if the requirements are met. there are three forms of conditional sentences:
1.Type 1 : He will come if you invite him

Main clause (present future) + if + adverb clause (present)
if + Simple Present, will-Future
•you will do it if you have time.
•He will buy the shoes if he has the money.
if the above formula is reversed comma is needed to separate the two clauses.
•If you have time, you will do it.
•If he has the money, he will buy the shoes.
2.Type 2 : He would come if yu invited him

formula for the formation of these types of conditional sentences:
if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I ( would + Infinitive)
Main clause (past future) + if + adverb clause (pas

•you would do it if you had time.
•He would buy the shoes if he had the money.
If the above formula is reversed comma is needed to separate the two clauses.
•If you had time, you would do it.
•If he had the money, he would buy the shoes.

3.Type 3 : He would have come if you had invited him
formula for the formation of these types of conditional sentences:
main clause (past perfect future) + if + aderb clause (past perfect
If + adverb clause (past prefect) + main clause (past perfect future)
•you would have done it if you had time.
•He would have bought the shoes if he had had the money.
If the above formula is reversed comma is needed to separate the two clauses.
•If you had had time, you would have done it.
If I had met her, I would have told her about it.

1. If you didn’t fetch her, Gerry wouldn’t go with us.
2. If the bus hadn’t been late, you would have been here on time.
3. If you didn’t agree with him, I wouldn’t ask you to work together.
4. If he starts the work now, he will finish it tomorrow.
5. If he had had something to eat, he wouldn’t have stolen the money.
6. If both parties agree, we will sign the contract.
7. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.
8. If no more guess come, there will be enough food for everyone.
9. If you hadn’t brought up the matter first, I wouldn’t have said anything.
10.If he had studied hard, he would have passed the exams.If I had met her, I would have told her about it.


1. Type 2

Fact: you picked him up, so Gerry would go with us

1. Type 3

Fact: the bus was late so you was not here on time

1. Type 2

Fact: You agree with her, so I’ll ask you to work together

1. Type 1
2. Type 3

Fact: He did not have anything to eat, then he will steal money

1. Type 1
2. Type 2

Fact: I believe, because I saw with my own eyes
1. Type 1
2. Type 3

Fact: You bring to the first issue, so I’ll say nothing

Type 3

Fact: he did not pass the exam because he did not work hard

Minggu, 01 November 2009

artikel tentang cinta

Cinta itu seperti kupu-kupu. Tambah dikejar, tambah lari. Tapi kalau dibiarkan terbang, dia akan datang disaat kamu tidak mengharapkannya. Cinta dapat membuatmu bahagia tapi sering juga bikin sedih, tapi cinta baru berharga kalau diberikan kepada seseorang yang menghargainya. Jadi jangan terburu-buru dan pilih yang terbaik.
Cinta bukan bagaimana menjadi pasangan yang “sempurna” bagi seseorang. Tapi bagaimana menemukan seseorang yang dapat membantumu menjadi dirimu sendiri.
Jangan pernah bilang “I love you” kalau kamu tidak perduli. Jangan pernah membicarakan perasaan yang tidak pernah ada. Jangan pernah menyentuh hidup seseorang kalau hal itu akan menghancurkan hatinya. Jangan pernah menatap matanya kalau semua yang kamu lakukan hanya berbohong.
Hal paling kejam yang seseorang lakukan kepada orang lain adalah membiarkannya jatuh cinta, sementara kamu tidak berniat untuk menangkapnya…
Cinta bukan “Ini salah kamu”, tapi “Ma’afkan aku”. Bukan “Kamu dimana sih?”, tapi “Aku disini”. Bukan “Gimana sih kamu?”, tapi “Aku ngerti kok”. Bukan “Coba kamu gak kayak gini”, tapi “Aku cinta kamu seperti kamu apa adanya”.
Kompatibilitas yang paling benar bukan diukur berdasarkan berapa lama kalian sudah bersama maupun berapa sering kalian bersama, tapi apakah selama kalian bersama, kalian selalu saling mengisi satu sama lain dan saling membuat hidup yang berkualitas.
Kesedihan dan kerinduan hanya terasa selama yang kamu inginkan dan menyayat sedalam yang kamu ijinkan. Yang berat bukan bagaimana caranya menanggulangi kesedihan dan kerinduan itu, tapi bagaimana belajar darinya.
Caranya jatuh cinta: jatuh tapi jangan terhuyung-huyung, konsisten tapi jangan memaksa, berbagi dan jangan bersikap tidak adil, mengerti dan cobalah untuk tidak banyak menuntut, sedih tapi jangan pernah simpan kesedihan itu.

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

PT. Anta Umi
Mayat Berjalan 24, Jakarta 17510 INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 81472XXX

October 20, 2009
Mr. Pajul
Purchasing Manager
Jl. Mondar Mandir 105
Jakarta 17510

Dear Mr Pajul,
Subject: The list of goods and the production price list

Our company is a company that specializes in the sale of goods of basic needs, including fast food, goods, household goods, raw food, and so on. We will soon open several branches in various areas in Java. although we will open branches in various regions, we would like distribution of goods to be sent for sale in our company running smoothly and the goods we sell quality goods with prices that can reach the surrounding community.

Some time ago we read a profile of your company, your company produces goods in a Jakarta newspaper. We are very interested to work with your company. Therefore we are very happy if your company is willing to send the list of goods and the production price list. If your company has regional branches in Central Java and East Java, we also ask to include the address of an office in your company so that later if your office area is within easy walking distance from our company, we can order the goods from the nearest branch office .

We also hope that your company can provide special offers for our company. We also want to know how the payment system.

We are expecting a reply from you to work with our company.

Your Sincerely,

Purchasing Manager

Anta Umi, SH, MM, CIA, Ak, CPA, CFA

Translate Bahasa Indonesia

PT. Anta Umi
Mayat Berjalan 24, Jakarta 17510 INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 81472XXX

20 October 2009
Mr. Pajul
Purchasing Manager
Jl. Mondar Mandir 105
Jakarta 17510

Salam Bapa k Pajul,

Subject: daftar barang dan daftar harga produksi

Perusahaan kami adalah perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam penjualan barang-barang kebutuhan dasar, termasuk makanan cepat saji, barang-barang rumah tangga, makanan mentah, dan sebagainya. Kami akan segera membuka beberapa cabang di berbagai daerah di pulau Jawa. meskipun kami akan membuka cabang di berbagai daerah, kami ingin distribusi barang yang akan dikirim untuk dijual di perusahaan kami berjalan dengan lancar dan barang-barang yang kami jual barang-barang berkualitas baik dengan harga yang dapat menjangkau masyarakat sekitarnya.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu kami membaca profil perusahaan Anda, perusahaan Anda memproduksi barang-barang di sebuah koran Jakarta. Kami sangat tertarik untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Anda. Oleh karena itu kami sangat senang jika perusahaan Anda bersedia untuk mengirimkan daftar barang dan daftar harga tuk menyertakan juga alamat kantor cabang di perusahaan Anda sehingga nantinya jika daerah kantor Anda sangat mudah ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki dari perusahaan kami, kami dapat memesan barang-barang dari kantor cabang terdekat.

Kami juga berharap bahwa perusahaan Anda dapat memberikan penawaran khusus untuk perusahaan kami. Kami juga ingin tahu bagaimana sistem pembayaran.

Kami sangat mengharapkan surat balasan dari anda untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan kami.

Hormat kami,

Manajer Pembelian

Anta Umi, SH, MM, CIA, Ak, CPA, CFA